Thursday, March 17, 2011

UFO Prototypes ?? How,when and why ?

The idea of the flying saucer can be traced back to first being conceived by Nazi Germany. During World War II, Hitler employed scientists to work full-time in developing weaponry of all sorts. The goal was to win the war through superior weapons technology. These German war machines included a flying saucer program, as these real UFOs were envisioned flying at super-sonic speeds. To develop and build them, three of Germany's top scientists created three different credible designs for the flying saucer, with each of them developing three working prototypes. Amazingly, three different research facilities were reported to have three different flying saucer models, capable of flying.

Near the end of World War II, Germany had turned out incredible rocket, jet-engine, and flying saucer technologies. They ran out of time, before their super-weapons could be full developed and implemented to win the war for Hitler.

But the flying saucer technology was not lost, for both Russia and the United States were able to capture some of the German scientists responsible for the Nazi killing machines. This eventually led to the Cold War, as fears of what the other country might be scheming and building took hold.

The U.S. captured three of the flying saucer scientists, and interestingly, the first flying saucer sightings occurred soon after the war, in 1947. Pilot Kenneth reported seeing nine flying discs speeding above Mt. Rainier in Washington State. Being an experienced pilot, he was able to calculate their air speed based upon the landscape. He estimated them flying at 1200 mph, and was the first to describe the new aircraft as "saucers." Of course, the U.S. Military was quick to deny having any disc-shaped aircraft.

Soon after this sighting of flying saucers, the news
media also picked up the story of aliens and UFO
wreckage being discovered in Roswell, New Mexico,
the same year. Again, the U.S. Military denied having
discovered such a thing, but explained the find was
really just a weather balloon. But, these two events
began the flying saucer craze that swept across the
globe. Soon, many people would come forward to
claim they, too, had seen a flying saucer. Some
people would begin faking UFO photographs by
throwing a trash can lid, or similarly shaped object, into
the air while snapping pictures. Hollywood quickly
jumped on-board and created numerous alien and
flying saucer movies to feed the growing public
interest. But, did the United States have flying saucer
technology? Yes, they did.

By the 1950s, a British aeronautical engineer who had developed the swept-wing, tail-less fighter, became
intrigued with the Nazi flying saucers. He eventually interviewed one of the German scientists, Dr. Miethe, who
showed Frost photos of the German flying saucers, and told him they worked ten years on their development,
hacing succeeded in building a flyable prototype. Frost was soon convinced he could build a flying saucer, and
soon began working on it at the Avro aircraft factory in Canada, 1952. By 1953, his first flying saucer model
dubbed "Project Y" was initially tested, but its tail-wing design was scrapped.

So, Frost and his team worked on a fully-circular flying
saucer design called Y-2. Around this time, Frost had
caught the eye of the United States government who
quickly invested 10 million dollars into the Y-2 Project.
The design of the Y-2 prototype was scaled down for
test purposes and safety reasons, and named the
Avrocar. By 1957, the Avrocar vehicles were rolled out
of the test facility and tested. The prototypes had
various problems, but did fly, though they lacked
stability and power. They were proof that vertical
take-off was indeed possible, and that gyroscopic
properties would be needed for stability. By 1962, the
funding of the entire project with Frost was dropped by
the United States, due to the U.S. Government wanting
to develop a swept-tail design. This would eventually
lead to the development of the F1-17 Stealth Fighter.

Did the United States continue the development of the flying saucer? Some believe so, and two witnesses who
saw the craft would surface years later. Jack Pickett claims he saw four flying saucers of different sizes at McDill
Air Force Base, 40 years ago. Having security clearance at the time, he was also shown photographs of the
U.S. UFOs in flight, and told they could fly at 15,500 mph. The saucers he saw had a tail and aircraft fuselage
built onto the flying-disc shape. The other witness to these aircraft was now-deceased, Warren Botts, an ex-Air
Force pilot who wandered into a U.S. aircraft hangar and saw the identical flying saucer as Pickett described.

It is likely that many of the UFO
sightings reported are experimental
U.S. aircraft, and not unlikely that
the United States possesses flying
saucer aircraft, capable of
high-speeds, non-detection by
radar and sonar, and achieving
space flight. Can all UFO sightings
be attributed as being classified
U.S. flying disc technology?

You decide...

(Left & Below: Drawings of flying saucer
prototypes that were developed)

(Left & Below: Photographs of flying saucer

(Left: The AvroCar flying saucer prototype that
could hover and fly. The U.S. - backed Avro
UFO project struggled with stability, power, and
debris coming up from the ground, and going
into the air intake system.)

Flying Saucers: Flying Saucer Design Picture

Flying Saucers: Flying Saucer Design Pic

Flying Saucers: Flying Saucer Drawing

Flying Saucers: Flying Saucer Prototype Photograph

Flying Saucers: Flying Saucer Video Still

1 comment:

  1. Interesting..
    Try to observe that, if a human can build a rocket to get out of this atmosphere, why the could build the UFO's and fly to other planets?? there any researches or projects running out of our knowledge?

    Simple common sense ...
